When Ethan was born, six (!) years ago, he had the most beautiful face, with porcelain skin, like a doll, and strawberry blonde hair. He was born 8 weeks early, which was just the first of many times that he refused to do what he was supposed to.
He grew into a boy with a mischievous grin who likes kissing dogs, eating macaroni and cheese, wrestling with his dad, creating picture books, solving mazes, watching SpongeBob Squarepants, and playing superhero.
He's afraid of monsters.
When he's in a bad mood he says it's the worst day of his whole life.
He marches to the beat of a different drummer, as they say. He's the kid at the birthday party who is still pinning the tail on the donkey when everyone else has already sat down to eat their pizza. And he is perfectly fine with that.
He's creative, stubborn, oblivious, vulnerable, inappropriate, joyous, zany. There's no better feeling in the world than being hugged by him. He's one of the three great loves of my life.
Happy birthday, sweetheart.
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