Guys, come on. Brush your teeth and get your shoes on. Did anyone feed the dogs?

Got your backpacks? Metro cards?

8:05am (bus stop, Amsterdam & 81st Street):
Two cross-town buses in a row but no uptown buses. Maybe you guys should go to school on the Upper East Side. We'd be there already.
(Samuel: No, then the uptown buses would come and not the crosstown buses.)

8:14am (Dunkin Donuts, Amsterdam & 93rd Street):
Samuel: I want a marble frosted donut and a Nesquick.
Ethan: Hmmm...maybe a pink frosted...no, maybe a chocolate frosted with sprinkles...no, maybe a...

One block to go.

We made it!

Bye, Samuel. Have a great day. I love you.

Bye, Ethan. Have a great day. I love you...behave yourself.