I threw out:
- 6 take-out containers of half-eaten Chinese food (from two different occasions)
- 2 take-out containers of rice
- A take-out container of Chinese soup or dipping sauce or something dark and icky
- An unopened package of bacon with an expriation date of Oct 2
- A near-empty tub of butter (there's a full tub still in there)
- An unopened FreshDirect pre-packaged salmon dinner with an expiration date of Oct 2
- A peanut butter and jelly sandwich, date of creation unknown (but rigor mortis had set in)
- A blondie wrapped in tin foil, date unknown, but hard (I tried it, just in case)
- An unopened package of jumbo ravioli, "use or freeze by Oct 4"
- Half of a salad, lettuce wilting
- A small take-out container of salad dressing
- A tiny container of something else vaguely liquidy
- An unopened half pound of cheddar cheese, expiration date Oct 19 (but also showing mold)
- An unopened take-out container of chicken soup from Citarella, "sell by 10/11"
Jennifer's going to come home and say, "Where's that tub of butter? It was perfectly good!"
great. liked everything very much. keep it up and dont stop.