Sunday, May 28, 2017

I won an award...

...and it came with chocolate.

It's called the Golden Cowbell Book Award. It's sponsored by the Swiss Group of International School Librarians and voted on by students in Switzerland.

"My Grandma's a Ninja" was the winner of the Braunveieh Category, which appears to refer both to early readers and a breed of Swiss cow. (My cow looks kind of lazy compared to the other two categories.)

Like Dylan, I was unable to travel to Switzerland to receive my prize in an official ceremony. Unlike Dylan, I actually wrote a book.

I should add that the prize came with a tin of Callier Swiss chocolates. When the package arrived I was running out the door to Ethan's school concert, so I left the certificate and the open tin of chocolates on the dining room table. 

When I returned, half the chocolates were gone, there were wrappers strewn about the floor, and chocolate paw marks on the certificate. I'm just going to say they are cow hooves.