Bailey is nine months old. Next week he's having his second $1,200 surgery.
We have spent more money on Bailey in the past nine months than most families in Arkansas earn in a year. And we have to feel guilty about it.
The vet asked me if I brush Bailey's teeth. I said no. He said, "Would you be willing to?"
I said, "You mean like once a month?"
He said, "No, once a day."
I said, "We have two dogs, a cat, two kids, and two jobs. The dogs are lucky we remember to feed them."
"What do you feed them?"
"Um...I don't know. Some kind of dry dog food. Comes in a big bag. From the pet store."
Okay, Mr. wonderful animal-loving vet, who wants us to feed our dogs organic free-range filet mignon and brush their teeth and give them mani pedis and Swedish massages. You are a better person than I am. But you suck. Here, just keep my credit card.
Bailey, God help you if you ever need another surgery. From here on out you're a Red State dog.
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