The only time I'd been there was about three years ago when the boys and I tried to see how fast we could get to a beach and back--we rushed off the train, touched the ocean with our toes, then back to the train.
Today we needed a beach that was nice, close, and reachable without a $200 weekend-rate rental car.
Coney Island is closer, but littered with glass. Jones Beach is less urban, but takes two hours to reach.
We played in the waves, had cheeseburgers and corn dogs on the boardwalk, and built the biggest sand castle on the beach. 90 minutes door-to-door. No glass.
Four thumbs up.
In reality, a beach is only as long as it is broad, only as long as it is sandy, only as long as it is there, and only as long as the mind sees it: only in tomorrow is yesterday seen as it really is... I never reached Coney Island...but I came quite close to it.
Dude...sniffing glue is bad for you.