Thursday, March 14, 2013

I'm at Disneyland...

...waiting for a shuttle van to take me to LAX, to catch a redeye to JFK, to go back home to my family.

I've spent the past 36 hours in LA on a business trip. We finished up our business at 1pm today, then six colleagues and I spent the afternoon at Disneyland.

Was it weird with no kids?

It was the best day I've had in a long time. You can't walk three feet into Disneyland without seeing joy on a thousand tiny faces. I'm a big fan of joy. I'm a big fan of tiny faces.

(I got the picture above from Disneyland's website because I didn't want to creep anyone out by taking pictures of their kids...but you get the gist.)

It brought back lots and lots of happy memories of Disneyland with Samuel and Ethan when they were little.

The world can be a wonderful place and a yucky place. You have to grab the wonderfulness whenever you have the chance.

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