Friday afternoon: Another Tae Kwon Do graduation for Ethan. Purple striped belt. Dinner at a very slow Italian restaurant with Ethan's friend Zoe and her family. Tomato sauce stain on the Tae Kwon Do uniform. Tired boys. Home late.
Saturday: Brunch with Samuel at diner on Roosevelt Island. Just the two of us; rode the tramway. Laundry. Cleaned apartment for Ethan's birthday party. Went for run in Central Park. Ordered in: Planet Sushi. Ethan new computer game. Set clocks ahead. Late to bed.
Sunday: Ethan's birthday party. Pizza, donuts, soda. Apartment full of kids. Treasure hunt. Party over. Cleaned up. Ethan unwrapped gifts; favorite was "Martian Matter Alien Maker Spaceship." Got haircut. Went for run in Central Park. Big-10 wrestling tourney results on Internet (go, Iowa). Dinner at Good Enough to Eat. Tired boys. Tired Jen. Tired Todd. Tired Kahlua. Late to bed.