Sunday, July 8, 2018

Grumpy Trucks is coming

Good reviews in Publisher's Weekly and Kirkus:

"...the rhyming text has the authentic ring of both a real-life tantrum and pretend construction." (PW)

"...perky with blessedly perfect scansion." (Kirkus)

("Scansion" is a word that here means "author's biceps.")

On Friday Bailey and I got a gift-wrapped present in the mail from the publicist at Little, Brown:

We celebrated by rolling in clover at the Turtle Pond.

Friday, July 6, 2018

Damn...let's get caught up

I went on a harbor cruise with my co-workers.

I pretended to be the captain.

Ethan helped my company's production team move from our 10th floor WeWork office to our 4th floor office. 

Samuel and Ethan went to Illinois for a week to visit their grandparents. Jo and I had dinner on our roof terrace.

Bailey got a show dog haircut.

"It's true. I am a show dog."

(Psst. Bailey. You have goopy stuff in your eyes.)

I took Bailey the show dog to my office. He went on a subway, through a revolving door, and in an Uber for the first time.

The only store open on the Fourth of July, other than Starbucks, was the pet store. Jo and I stopped in. Guess what they had? 

(to Jo:) "He's gonna be outrageously expensive, like a thousand dollars."

(to pet store clerk:) "How much?"

(pet store clerk:) "$2,000."

Bailey was like, wait, what's that smell on your clothes?

That night we went to Jersey City to see fireworks. It was a fun's not quite Manhattan, now, is it?