Sunday, January 13, 2008

Hording Things

Samuel inherited Jennifer's brown eyes, her aversion to risk, and her penchant for hording things.

Jennifer dutifully keeps cancelled checks, receipts, plastic bags, instruction manuals for small appliances, 0% credit card offers, kid cups from Pizzeria Uno, and every holiday and greeting card ever received.

I'm the opposite extreme. I throw away direct-deposit pay stubs as soon as I get them. Ditto for the 10-page Amex bill, as soon as it's paid. I never read instruction manuals, much less keep them. If I lose a button on a shirt, I'm likely to throw away the shirt.

Today I was looking for--dare I admit--old checkbook records, and, naturally, the two months I was missing were the only ones since 1967 that I couldn't find. (I know, I probably threw them out, but I like to think they're just buried somewhere under all the other crap.)

Samuel was watching me go through desk drawers throwing all the junk I was finding into a pile on the floor to be thrown away. He kept stopping me and saying, "I want to keep that."

I said, "You want to keep this scrap of paper from two years ago with some hand-written jibberish on it?"

He said, "Yes, it's a secret code."

I said, "What does it say?"

He said, "I don't remember. But I want to keep it in case I remember."


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